What a week! A dastardly snow storm threatened to wipe out spring as we know it, only to spit out an inch of grossness and then walk away. No matter, I was out there anyways with the help of some brave volunteers from the Holy Cross Monastery. Yes, Brother Bernard had done it again, coming out to the farm full of enthusiasm and this time with mostly enthusiastic retreat participants in tow. I say "mostly enthusiactic" because they usually needed to be plied with coffee first. But once we got going, we really got going, transforming the giant pile of compost into neatly laid beds for asparagus and raspberries, a three sisters garden, herbs and artichokes. We also straightened out the raised beds, aerated the substrate below and even filled the first few beds as the giant piles were delivered on Friday.
You want pics? Here's some pics:

And of course Saturday was the Work Party day. During the week I was convinced that there would be no one there besides me, Daniel and couple of folks that RSVP'd, but lo' and behold at 10am on Saturday I was greeted by four folks dressed in layers and gloves and then they just kept coming! The dirt was flying, the brush was clearing, the mulch was spreading and in the middle we had some hot soup, bread and tasty pickles. Probably the best day that I've had all year. Mostly because without the people that came out, I would probably have stayed at home and sulked over cold temperatures. Thank goodness I put together those wheelbarrows the night before!

Could be an ad for Toyota Tacoma

Slowly but surely, two giant pile of dirt went into the beds. Two more pile are on their way

Don't bother us, we're hungry

Looks good, huh?

Hmmm....what is the best route?